- As Seen Or Heard On -

Dr. Fran has been interviewed on several television networks such as WXII, TCT, WGHP, WFMY, as well as radio stations WBFJ and WTRU 1340. Her writings have been featured in TCP magazine, Empower Magazine, Church World Magazine, The Winston Salem Chronicle, The Journal and the Phoenix.  Pathways for Life courses have been taught at PTAs. schools, churches and shelters.

About Me

Hello Dear, my name is Dr. Fran. So nice to meet you!

Our Pathways for Life self-help courses help you achieve the best version of yourself

After teaching for over 11 years in the school system and being a chief administrator of a large non-profit organization for over 25 years, I became a source of guidance for many people. By succeeding through my own life challenges and because I recovered from devastating pain and trauma, I too found my healing from life coaching and became a certified life strategist to help others. Thus, Pathways for Life was birthed!

Whether you are a young teenager just starting into a relationship, seeking a successful career, or having problems communicating with family and friends, we can help you find serenity within. Or perhaps you say to yourself, “I thought I’d be more successful by now, but I seem to keep getting into bad relationships, I never get promotions on my job”, so frustration has deepened inside of you. Seems like life has handed you nothing but lemons. 

Personal Development is a lifetime learning journey. Each day is a gift to cherish and an opportunity to be better than we were the day before. BUT HOW? 

Contact us now.  Let’s get started. My team of specialists and I welcome you.

Dr. Francene Hash

My Vision

Pathways for Life envisions a community of thriving women, men, and teens discovering and mastering their purpose, thus becoming an example for others to follow.

My Mission

We are committed to building success groups across the globe with live and online information, products, and tools to eliminate the stress and trauma that causes severe mental health disparities in our communities.




  • Dr. Fran is a Certified Life Strategist graduated from the Triune International Coaching Federation
  • Recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Winston Salem Chronicle
  • Graduate of Radford University in Virginia


Books authored by Dr. Francene Hash

Personal Development Series

  • Pathways for Life Book – 25 Principles for Finding YOUR TRUTH for Real Success and Happiness
  • Pathways for Life Daily Journal
  • Pathways for Life Personal Development Success Group Manual for Adults
  • Pathways for Life Personal Development Manual for Students 
  • Pathways for Life Personal Development Manual for Students Instructor’s Syllabus

Business Start-Up Series

  • Business Start Up Success Group Manual 
  • Old Fashion Common Sense for Business Success
  • DIY Credit Repair in Today’s Economy

Christian Leadership Series

  • Building God’s House – Seven Strategies for Raising a Healthy Church
  • Succession Planning Roadmap
  • Infrastructure Job Descriptions
  • The Role of the Executive Pastor
  • Building God’s House 200 Pages of Power to Succeed

Christian Resource Books 

  • Visions from God or Man
  • The Gifts are in the House, Build an Infrastructure
  • Organization and Structure of the Gifts
  • Training, Accountability, and Evaluation
  • Administration – Operational Order, Policies and Procedures
  • Grant Writing Series

  • Award Winning Grant Writing Handbook for Students
  • Award Winning Grant Writing Handbook for Instructors
  • Grant Writing Online Bootcamp
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